Meeting of ISO/TC163 and ISO/TC205 will be held in Wuxi on September 14th-20th, 2014. ISO/TC205 (Building Environment design) is responsible for standardization of the design of new buildings and retrofit of existing buildings for acceptable indoor environment and practicable energy conservation and efficiency. Indoor environment includes air quality, thermal, acoustics, and visual factors. ISO/TC163 is the ISO committee for Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment. Dr. Siu-Kit Lau has been invited to participate in the meeting.
学校建筑室内环境研究中心成立 改善学校声学环境
School Building Indoor Environment Research Center (学校建筑室内环境研究中心)
“School Building Indoor Environment Research Center” has been founded on May 26, 2014. The aim of this center is to offer advanced research to support the movement of green campus and improvement of indoor environmental quality of the learning facilities/classrooms. Acoustic committee has been established at the same date, which members include:
- Prof. Wu Shuoxian (South China University of Technology)
- Prof. Zhao Yuezhe (South China University of Technology)
- Prof. Peng Jianxin (South China University of Technology)
- Prof. Yan Xiang (Tsinghua University)
- Prof. Mao Dongxing (Tongji University)
- Prof. Xie Hui (Chongqing University)
- Lily Wang (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Dr. Ou Dayi (Huaqiao University)
- Dr. Siu-Kit (Eddie) Lau (Armstrong)
The ceremony and kick off meeting were held in Beijing on May 26, 2014.
Acoustic Aspect in Green Buildings
Dr. Siu-Kit Lau has been invited for a presentation in a visit to the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (中国节能环保集团公司) on June 3, 2014. The presentation has discussed Acoustic Aspect in Green Buildings. The faculty and students from the University of Nottingham as well as staffs in the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group were attended.