New article for an investigation of Chinese word recognition scores of children in primary school classroom has been published. Please visit the journal website in this link.
Chinese word recognition (CWR) test was conducted by grades 3 and 5 children under the different conditions of reverberation time (RT), background noise level (BNL) and speech sound pressure level (SSPL) in three primary-school classrooms. The CWR scores and signal to noise ratios (SNRs) have been obtained at listening positions. Results show that the CWR score for grades 3 and 5 children increases with increase of SSPL, decrease of RT or increase of age, but it decreases with increase of BNL under the same conditions. For a mixed noise of 56 dBA (speech-spectrum-like noise and ambient noise), the CWR scores in the classroom for grades 3 and 5 children reach a peak at SNR of 15–20 dBA under the same RT and age of children condition. For the natural ambient noise, the CWR score for grades 3 and 5 children gradually increases with increase of the SNR. The high SSPL could not guarantee good CWR for children in classroom, which also depends on RT and BNL in classroom. When the classroom has long RT or high BNL, the increase of SSPL would not be necessarily to achieve better CWR. The novelty of the present study is to further evaluate and confirm the results under environments of real classrooms (not simulated room in laboratory).
Gavin Wellington says
Hi Eddie,
I’m sure MOM in Singapore would be interested in learning about this?