Large classes are typically taught in a lecture format where learning material is dissipated, and students submit their final assignments from self-developed understanding. To create a shared understanding of the learning material wherein students actively interact, infer and co-create knowledge, a student-centric method grounded in social constructivist theory called Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) was employed in an undergraduate class. In POGIL, students work collaboratively in class in groups of four on a specifically designed activity under the guidance of a tutor to answer critical thinking questions that progressively build understanding on a topic towards the end of the session. Interactions are scaffolded in three phases: (i) exploring patterns from learning material, (ii) developing new concepts and ideas to solve a novel problem, and (iii) finally develop generalization applications and principles beyond the given problem. As per the ICAP framework, interactive activities provide deep learning opportunities, more than constructive, active, or passive sessions such as a lecture setting.
I found that students taught with POGIL pedagogy performed better than those taught with active learning strategies on immediate, near, and delayed cognitive performance tests. Students also showed a greater increase in deep approach to learning and a lesser increase in surface approach to learning. Most students reported an overall positive impact of POGIL activity on their learning experience, which promoted a collaborative atmosphere for meaningful discussions and dialogue within the module and an attitude of collaboration outside the module. The study highlights the challenges and provides suggestions for implementing such a pedagogy in a large class.
Also, architects may prefer the visual language and thus, to encourage a deep approach to learning, visualisation is used as a tool to teach technical concepts in a module. My results show students with deep approach to learning performed relatively better on higher cognitive tasks such as application and analysis. In the treatment group, students with higher spatial cognitive ability displayed significantly lower levels of surface approach to learning when taught using visualisation. Design students, such as architects, have relatively higher spatial cognitive ability as a result of visual training. Thus, the visualisation tool can promote deep learning among them. Students reported an increased interest in the content and claimed the lectures to be more engaging that provoked them to learn deeper. Overall, a positive effect of visualisation was observed. The presentation discusses ways of implementing visualization to encourage deep approach to learning and heighten interest of design students in relatively technical subjects.
Joshi, N. and S.-K. Lau (2021). “Effects of process-oriented guided inquiry learning on approaches to learning, long-term performance, and online learning outcomes.” Interactive Learning Environments: 1-16.
Lau, S. K., et al. (2021). “Visual Instruction to Enhance Teaching of Technical Subject to Design Students.” International Journal of Art & Design Education 40(1): 165-183.