学校建筑室内环境研究中心成立 改善学校声学环境 (中国教育在线)
by Siu-Kit Lau
by Siu-Kit Lau
“School Building Indoor Environment Research Center” has been founded on May 26, 2014. The aim of this center is to offer advanced research to support the movement of green campus and improvement of indoor environmental quality of the learning facilities/classrooms. Acoustic committee has been established at the same date, which members include:
The ceremony and kick off meeting were held in Beijing on May 26, 2014.
by Siu-Kit Lau
Dr. Siu-Kit Lau has been invited for a presentation in a visit to the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (中国节能环保集团公司) on June 3, 2014. The presentation has discussed Acoustic Aspect in Green Buildings. The faculty and students from the University of Nottingham as well as staffs in the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group were attended.
by Siu-Kit Lau
Congratulations to Carl Hart, who successfully obtained his Ph.D. with his dissertation entitled “On a Combined Adaptive Tertrahederal Tracing and Edge Diffraction Model”. His major advisor was Dr. Siu-Kit Lau. Carl is currently a post-doctoral research position with the US Army Corps Research Lab in Hanover, NH, where he’ll be working on outdoor noise under Dr. Keith Wilson. He was hooded by Dr. Lau in the Nebraska night in the ASA meeting in Providence, RI on May 7.
by Siu-Kit Lau
Congratulations to Caleb Sieck! He has a publication of cover page for Science (journal) in January 2014! Science (journal) is a world leading journal of scientific research with very high impact factor (over 31 in 2012). The article shows the results of a circulator for sound, which sound can be guided to flow in particular directions, but not in the opposite directions. Caleb was advised by Dr. Siu-Kit Lau on his MS degree in UNL in 2009 to 2013 for “Investigation of Sound Transmission through an Open Window into a Room“. He is now studying his PhD in University of Texas at Austin with a topic related to metamaterials.
by Siu-Kit Lau
A journal paper by Drs. Xiaoyu Liu, Siu-Kit (Eddie) Lau, and Haorong Li has selected as key scientific article in Renewable Energy Global Innovations:
by Siu-Kit Lau
Thanks for the invitation from Prof. Tong Yang from the University of Nottingham-Ningbo Campus (UNNC) for a presentation of classroom acoustics to his colleagues and students on April 30, 2014. Dr. Siu-Kit Lau has a very good discussion with the professors and students in UNNC. He has visited their Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET), which is the first “zero net energy building” in China (see photo), and also the facilities in Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Department. UNNC have a good team and facilities for green building research and education, as well as for acoustics. Dr. Lau also enjoyed his discussions with Profs. Rosangelar Tenorio and Dunant Halim.
by Siu-Kit Lau
News for Dr. Siu-Kit Lau’s seminar in ACAMIS 2014 Spring Conferences regarding classroom acoustics in China. Many colleagues from international schools are attended.
新华网(教育): http://news.xinhuanet.com/edu/2014-04/23/c_126423813.htm
中国经济网(在线服务): http://sme.ce.cn/zxfw/201404/18/t20140418_1560671.shtml
慧聪网(校园之窗): http://info.edu.hc360.com/2014/04/181704618909.shtml
中华教育网(教育活动): http://www.edu-gov.cn/news/4085.html